Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Your Fired" for Blogging...

Oh those famous last 2 words of Donald Trump and Sir Alan Sugar.
Who would have thought that the liberty of speech in your personal blog could get you canned at work!
This recently happened to a Waterstones employee for his act venting on his own personal blog.

Waterstones claims that the references used in his blog about his job and the company provide right for dismisal but I wonder by this individual blogging about their treatment from the company cause further harm than good, and will it be towards the company or towards the employee.

This makes me think of a similar case of how blogs can have negative impacts on companies if they fail to address them in the or with the correct manner. Some examples of the top of my head are the Kryptonite, the bicycle lock case or Dell computers and how the blogs about their products and services resulted in the company taking a reative rather than a corrective reaction approach as they both failed to recognize the power of blogospheres. I feel that Waterstones in Edinburgh may be having the same reaction.


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