A One Man Show and a Full Time Job...
Well I guess you could consider this dissertation of mine my full-time job. I am at it pretty much 5-6 days a week and more than 8 hours a day. If it were really a small business it would probably consume me 24 hours a day 7 days a week!
That being said I can see how finding the "time" to maintain a blog to become taxing, especially if your a one man show. I could certainly type to my hearts content about interesting articles and things to blog about....almost to the point that its taking me away from doing the rest of my dissertation work. So how do small businesses find the time to squeeze in this important communication step when they are already stretched to the limit in allocating their time and attention accordingly!
This will be a good question that will give insight to the experiences and attitude's of small business bloggers. So far I have started emailing and posting comments to many small businesses I have come across asking for them to participate in this research and so far I have had lots of positive responses.
Heading back to the big city (T.O) for a holiday but am hoping to get a face to face interview with a few small business bloggers while I am there.
As I have companies agree to participate I will post and link to their blogs on this site.
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